Vaccinations: Pneumococcal & Flu Vaccines in Calgary
Shawnessy Medical Clinic provides a wide selection of medical services from trusted family physicians, female physicians, and behaviour therapists. From headache and back pain treatment to wart and mole removal, weight management services and more, we care for our patients and their individual needs. We also provide flu vaccines in Calgary and other vaccinations in South East Calgary and the surrounding areas! Contact us today for more information, or to schedule an appointment.
Annual Flu Shot
Contact Shawnessy Medical Clinic and ask about our annual flu vaccines in Calgary. Walk-ins are welcome! Or, talk to one of our representatives to schedule an appointment conducive to your personal time frame.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
The Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended to patients over the age of 65, or for young adults with a specific set of risk factors. This one-time vaccine is available at Shawnessy Medical Clinic, so contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our trusted physicians.